Nursery Rhymes


  • Smooth transitions between each of the speech sections which will make your speech flow in a logical sequence

  • Transitions allow the audience to stay alert and understand what is coming next

  • Transitions are used to build expectations and increase interest

  • Use transitions every time you change ideas

  • Use transitions to ensure that audience doesn't 'get lost' and that all sections relate to each other

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This presentation slide provides free helpful hints and tips on the subject of Transitions, part of this free online tutorial on the subject of Writing Speeches.

Quotes about Speeches
Take heart from the following famous quotes about making and writing speeches!

  • "It usually takes more than three weeks to write a good impromptu speech." American writer Mark Twain

  • "The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance."  American writer Ruth Gordon

  • "Always be shorter than anybody dared to hope!" Lord Reading, English politician

  • "Be sincere; be brief; be seated." President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Famous Speeches & Speech Topics
Giving and Writing Speeches

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